Tomato Girl Vintage is a vintage shop and creative collective founded in April 2024 by Eliza Rudalevige, a Brooklyn-based stylist, producer, designer, and recent graduate of Columbia University.
TGV is committed to accessibility, sustainable practices, and community-building through artistic processes.
We are always looking to collaborate with local businesses, photographers, stylists, artists, and artisans.
Interested in working together? Email tomatogirlvintage@gmail.com
Kirby Denny
Performance artist, model, photographer, designer /// kirbydenny.com
Veronica Wolfgang
Photographer, sculptor, textile artist, jewelry designer /// veronicawolfgang.com
Maddy Davis
Model, actress, stylist, makeup artist, set designer /// madelinejuliettadavis
Tess Krope
Photographer, stylist, vintage curator, tarot practitioner /// bookivintage.com
Ania Johnston
Producer, videographer, filmmaker /// aniajohnston.com
Nora Gmelch
Multimedia artist, stylist, designer /// created.by.nora